JKA of Los Angeles is the JKA Japan Head Quarter's Direct Management Organization.
Age: 4 Years Old & Up (We have 4 years old to 84 years old students)
5 Locagtions :
1) Temple City : 5019 Encinita Av. Temple City, CA 91748
TEL: 562-324-8814
I’m (Wednesday 5:30pm & Saturday 4:30pm)
2) Whittier Dojo : ...
We believe that our karate program is a unique approach to teaching self-defense and building strong character. Our experienced instructors are committed to the success of our students and strive to ensure that each individual enjoys an exciting and challenging learning experience.
Whether you’re interested in ...
** JKA Super Budo Seminar /JKA Open Karate Tournament, and West Coast Tour : Guest Instructor / Shihan Tatsuya Naka - JKA 7th Dan April 2025
Registration Form
Online Registration
* 4/12 : JKA US West Open Tournament in Los Angeles
* 4/4 (Las Vegas Seminars)
* 4/9-11 ...
The unauthorized clubs and individuals that are using the JKA name immediately stop and desist from all references to and use of the name "Japan Karate Association". “JKA" or their trademarks, and remove these trade names and trademarks from any publications.
Please contact us for more information and questions.
JKA Los Angeles is the official licensed JKA dojo in the USA.